env.add_global("root_url_prefix", Value::from_safe_string( std::env::var("ROOT_URL_PREFIX").unwrap_or_default()));
env.add_global("site_title", Value::from_safe_string(std::env::var("SITE_TITLE").unwrap_or_else(|_| "mailing list archive".to_string())));
env.add_global("site_subtitle", std::env::var("SITE_SUBTITLE").ok().map(Value::from_safe_string).unwrap_or_default());
pub fn strip_carets(_state: &minijinja::State, arg: Value) -> std::result::Result<Value, Error> {
/// "<h1 id=\"bl-bfa-b-ah-b-asdb-hadas-d\">bl bfa B AH bAsdb hadas d<a class=\"self-link\" href=\"#bl-bfa-b-ah-b-asdb-hadas-d\"></a></h1>",
/// "<h2 id=\"short\">bl bfa B AH bAsdb hadas d<a class=\"self-link\" href=\"#short\"></a></h2>",
/// &heading(2.into(), "bl bfa B AH bAsdb hadas d".into(), Some("short".into())).unwrap().to_string()
/// r#"invalid operation: first heading() argument must be an unsigned integer less than 7 and positive"#,
/// &heading(0.into(), "bl bfa B AH bAsdb hadas d".into(), Some("short".into())).unwrap_err().to_string()
/// r#"invalid operation: first heading() argument must be an unsigned integer less than 7 and positive"#,
/// &heading(8.into(), "bl bfa B AH bAsdb hadas d".into(), Some("short".into())).unwrap_err().to_string()
/// r#"invalid operation: first heading() argument is not an integer < 7 but of type sequence"#,
/// &heading(Value::from(vec![Value::from(1)]), "bl bfa B AH bAsdb hadas d".into(), Some("short".into())).unwrap_err().to_string()
pub fn heading(level: Value, text: Value, id: Option<Value>) -> std::result::Result<Value, Error> {
r#"invalid operation: first heading() argument must be an unsigned integer less than 7 and positive"#,
r#"invalid operation: first heading() argument must be an unsigned integer less than 7 and positive"#,