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* This file is part of mailpot
* Copyright 2020 - Manos Pitsidianakis
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
//! Errors of this library.
use std::sync::Arc;
use thiserror::Error;
/// Mailpot library error.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub struct Error {
kind: ErrorKind,
source: Option<Arc<Self>>,
pub enum ErrorKind {
/// Post rejected.
#[error("Your post has been rejected: {0}")]
/// An entry was not found in the database.
#[error("This {0} is not present in the database.")]
NotFound(&'static str),
/// A request was invalid.
#[error("Your list request has been found invalid: {0}.")]
/// An error happened and it was handled internally.
#[error("An error happened and it was handled internally: {0}.")]
/// An error that shouldn't happen and should be reported.
#[error("An error that shouldn't happen and should be reported: {0}.")]
/// Error returned from an external user initiated operation such as
/// deserialization or I/O.
#[error("Error: {0}")]
External(#[from] anyhow::Error),
/// Generic
/// Error returned from sqlite3.
#[error("Error returned from sqlite3: {0}.")]
#[error("Error returned from sqlite3: {0}")]
/// Error returned from internal I/O operations.
#[error("Error returned from internal I/O operation: {0}")]
Io(#[from] ::std::io::Error),
/// Error returned from e-mail protocol operations from `melib` crate.
#[error("Error returned from e-mail protocol operations from `melib` crate: {0}")]
Melib(#[from] melib::error::Error),
/// Error from deserializing JSON values.
#[error("Error from deserializing JSON values: {0}")]
SerdeJson(#[from] serde_json::Error),
/// Error returned from minijinja template engine.
#[error("Error returned from minijinja template engine: {0}")]
Template(#[from] minijinja::Error),
impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "{}", self.kind)
impl From<ErrorKind> for Error {
fn from(kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
Self { kind, source: None }
macro_rules! impl_from {
($ty:ty) => {
impl From<$ty> for Error {
fn from(err: $ty) -> Self {
Self {
kind: err.into(),
source: None,
impl_from! { anyhow::Error }
impl_from! { rusqlite::Error }
impl_from! { rusqlite::ffi::Error }
impl_from! { ::std::io::Error }
impl_from! { melib::error::Error }
impl_from! { serde_json::Error }
impl_from! { minijinja::Error }
impl Error {
/// Helper function to create a new generic error message.
pub fn new_external<S: Into<String>>(msg: S) -> Self {
let msg = msg.into();
/// Chain an error by introducing a new head of the error chain.
pub fn chain_err<E>(self, lambda: impl FnOnce() -> E) -> Self
E: Into<Self>,
let new_head: Self = lambda().into();
source: Some(Arc::new(self)),
/// Insert a source error into this Error.
pub fn with_source<E>(self, source: E) -> Self
source: Some(Arc::new(source.into())),
/// Getter for the kind field.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind {
/// Display error chain to user.
pub fn display_chain(&'_ self) -> impl std::fmt::Display + '_ {
ErrorChainDisplay {
current: self,
counter: 1,
impl From<String> for Error {
fn from(s: String) -> Self {
impl From<&str> for Error {
fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
/// Type alias for Mailpot library Results.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
struct ErrorChainDisplay<'e> {
current: &'e Error,
counter: usize,
impl std::fmt::Display for ErrorChainDisplay<'_> {
if let Some(ref source) = self.current.source {
writeln!(fmt, "[{}] {} Caused by:", self.counter, self.current.kind)?;
current: source,
counter: self.counter + 1,
} else {
writeln!(fmt, "[{}] {}", self.counter, self.current.kind)?;
/// adfsa
pub trait Context<T> {
/// Wrap the error value with additional context.
fn context<C>(self, context: C) -> Result<T>
C: Into<Error>;
/// Wrap the error value with additional context that is evaluated lazily
/// only once an error does occur.
fn with_context<C, F>(self, f: F) -> Result<T>
C: Into<Error>,
F: FnOnce() -> C;
impl<T, E> Context<T> for std::result::Result<T, E>
Error: From<E>,
self.map_err(|err| Error::from(err).chain_err(|| context.into()))
F: FnOnce() -> C,
self.map_err(|err| Error::from(err).chain_err(|| f().into()))